Sunday, 29 April 2007

The Gambler

Have you ever wondered what caused an addiction whether it be a drug or an afflicition, I mean which is worse the drug or the afflcition. They both can cost a lot of time and money and may be harmful to your health.

I have a simple criteria for most things I do in life - is this task serving myself and my family well, does it provide income, is it a healthy past time, will it make it a better world and is it a relaxing past time. If some thing fails to satisfy these criteria why bother!

Let's break down technology addiction in to my basic criteria for being a worthy past time.

In terms of serving myself and family well: You can argue that it promotes the exchange of ideas and you learn something from it - perhaps - in moderation, but you could also achieve this doing a multitude of other tasks!

Does it provide an income - not relative to the hours committed.

Does it make it a better world - it is hardly feeding the starving millions or illuminating third world poverty! If it finds a cure for anything let me know!

Is it healthy - sitting on your rear end, looking at a relatively small object which physically does not move, in questionably poor artificial light- yeah right!

Other traits common with addicts are threats and emotional black mail, since my first blog I have been subject to this not only from my my wife, but also her friend who is also a techno geek / addict as to when I would blog again.

Please see the attached picture of a pair of addicts in action, so powerful is this perverse past time that my wife's friend had to bring her own computer to our place for a visit. Not only is it weird it is also un-Australian as they were doing this the night of the cricket world cup final!

I know it's a gamble posting this but - they need help!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hey! At least some of us actually watched the entire first innings (still yawning) as opposed to wimping out and going to bed because it rained!!

Evil Sue